Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Kathryn Austin was born on October 19th in 1956 in Memphis,Tennessee. While growing up she attended St.Mary’s Episcopal School for Girls from kindergarten through the 12th grade. Her mother made sure she had lessons in everything from tennis to piano. She then attended Mount Vernon College in Washington DC.
She went on to sell real estate and worked in an art gallery, antique store and various shops. She was passionate about riding horses and she spent summers at camp in Wisconsin where she became well rounded in many outdoor activities, on land and on the water.
She is married and has two beautiful sons. Right after she had her sons is when her OCD became heightened, but at that time she wasn’t familiar with what that meant. She stayed home mostly for the next 20 years except for attending some important functions, school and athletic events involving her children. She still struggles with OCD on a daily basis. She hopes that sharing her story about it will help others to not feel so alone.
After her mother died and she had been told she was written out of her mothers Will she knew then she would have to do everything she could to help this not happen to others.
Kathryn wants to help others not have to go through what she experienced.